Cosplayers: What Does Creativity Mean To You?

mayamada October 24, 2017 1 Comment

The London Comic Con is our biggest convention here in the UK and we’re excited for the opportunity to meet fans of our work and introduce new people to the mayamada universe!

Conventions are a great opportunity for any comic creator to get feedback on their comics from the people who invest in them. It gives people a chance to see those who actually make the comics that they enjoy and we’re looking forward to taking part!

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Illustrators: What Does Creativity Mean To You?

mayamada February 13, 2016 No Comments

Last year saw the launch of our #BeCreative campaign and with the help of 24 great artists, manage to create a one of a kind collection of artwork that answered the question: what does creativity mean to you?

We’re keeping our campaign going in 2016, starting with another installment of our creative blog feature. This time around we’re speaking to some of the same illustrators who contributed to our launch and finding out about their creative process.

Take a look at their interviews to find out what creativity means to these illustrators and just what goes into producing their amazing work.

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