Food Glorious Food!

Nigel May 16, 2011 No Comments

If you know us then you’ll know that we like food. There’s no way around it. That’s why my recent visit to the US was great timing, because they have a lot of it!

I thought would showcase my trip through the eyes of my stomach.

As well as pushing the boundaries of how much can be eating in a single meal, I made a great discovery: sweet potato fries! We have sweet potatoes in England…so why I have never eaten these before is a mystery.

The pork sandwich was amazing too.

What I can never get over though is the portion sizes. I usually aim to finish what’s on my plate but sometimes you just have to admit defeat.

Don’t get me wrong, it was good…but I could have covered three breakfast meals with this.

A few of my friends where surprised when their salads came! We weren’t ready.

I also managed to get into a barbeque in California.


The burger was good but, then it hit me…why have one burger in a bun when you can have two? So I present the double cheese burger brought to you by mayamada.

I also saw something that will be familar to people in the UK, though they go by a different name. Notice the resemblence guys?

If you’re not feeling hungry by now, don’t worry – I’ve saved he best for last. Thai food at a place called Guppy’s Teahouse, where I got the chance to show off my chopsticks skills…before giving up and going with the fork.

Pineapple fried rice – delicious dish, but what was I saying about portion sizes?

Anyway, I at least made a dent before surrendering.


I took the rest with me to feed a small villiage on the way back.

One thing’s for sure though…from now on I’m having all my meals served in a pineapple!
